Sunday, August 29, 2010

What Influence Do We Have on Our Identity?

Life educates our understanding while situations help disover identity. The development of identity is a dynamic process, the interface of internal and external forces. From the day we are born, we are distinguished by the precious gifts we inherit and out innate uniqueness from eberybody else. Through life our values are shaped by our personal experiences and circumsyances, and we mature to find out who we are. Forever the question on my mind was, how is it even possible for me to be an individual in this world. With billions of people, and thousands of the exact same influences (media, societal norms) crushing in around everyone, how could I be sure that I'm the only ME walking around. My individuality is a huge part of my identity. My identity and how I see myself is different from how my friends see me, how my family sees me and not to mention how strangers must see me. So really how much influence do we hold over our own identities?

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